Archive for the ‘Local Events’ Category

X-Rite ColorChecker Training: June 18, 2020 – starting at 10 AM – Arizona Time

X-Rite ColorChecker Calibration tool

Join Tucson photographer and friend of ASMP Tucson, José Beltrán, this Thursday, June 18 at 10 am for an online class using ColorChecker color calibration target and software with Photoshop and Capture One post-production editing software to produce color corrected images.

This will be on Zoom. To avoid Zoom bombers, we are not posting that information to the general public. If interested in joining, contact board member Kevin Robinson from the portal on the ASMP Tucson web site and request the log in information. Thank you.

By Martha Lochert | Posted: June 15th, 2020 | No comments

ASMP Tucson Round-table Discussion During the Covid-19 Shutdown

Thank you to all who participated in our Covid-19 Round-table support session via Zoom last week. We hope it was beneficial, whether that be for the resources shared or the moral and emotional support provided.

We plan to do more of those, as needed.

Be well and hang in there everyone.

By Martha Lochert | Posted: April 20th, 2020 | No comments

ASMP Tucson hosts Mary Virginia Swanson for lecture on social media – Feb. 5, 2020

By Martha Lochert | Posted: January 7th, 2020 | No comments

SAVE THE DATE: Feb. 5, 2020 with Mary Virginia Swanson

The always popular Mary Virginia Swanson will be giving a lecture on Wed., Feb. 5th at 5:30 pm at Steven Meckler’s 121 S. 4th Ave. studio entitled: “Social Media in the Age of Instagram.”

Centro Garage is very close by and by 5:30, there may be lots of available parking, but this is during the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, so parking may be tight. You may want to simply choose public transit (bus or street car) to get into downtown for the event.

We always have a half-hour of social time before the actual talk begins, so if you have to scramble for parking, you’ll have that buffer.

By Martha Lochert | Posted: January 6th, 2020 | No comments

Holiday Party for ASMP Members and Guests

By Martha Lochert | Posted: November 16th, 2019 | No comments

Astro-Landscape Photography with Royce Bair

We have a wonderful opportunity to learn the “how-to’s” of astro-landscape photography with Royce Bair on Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 5:30 pm, while he is in town for an International Dark Sky Association conference.

RSVP and don’t miss out! This will be a very educational and informative lecture.

By Martha Lochert | Posted: October 19th, 2019 | No comments

Experience Cuba Through The Photography of Rich Wagner and Thomas Wiewandt

By Martha Lochert | Posted: September 11th, 2019 | No comments

ASMP Tucson MOVIE NIGHT 8.15.19 – Garry Winogrand

By Martha Lochert | Posted: August 13th, 2019 | No comments

Pints ‘n Pixels – April 18, 2019

End your day by joining us for our next social event at The Shanty!

By Martha Lochert | Posted: March 19th, 2019 | No comments

Drone Photography presentation by Phantom Aerial Solutions 3.7.19

Our drone photography / videography event was very informative and well-presented by Troy, Terry & Lorran with Phantom Aerial Solutions. We all learned a lot and enjoyed the presentation. Thank you to all who joined us at Naranja Park.

By Martha Lochert | Posted: March 10th, 2019 | No comments

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