Archive for October, 2012
Camera Club Tucson is sponsoring a free photography seminar at Berger Performing Arts Center on Saturday, November 3 from 10 to 4 pm. In the spirit of continuing education, we thought we’d share the information. There should be something for everyone. On-line registration required.

By Martha Lochert
Posted: October 17th, 2012
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ASMP Tucson secretary of the board Martha Lochert had two photographs accepted into the nationally juried multi-media exhibit: “Timeless Meditations: Mandalas and Patterns in Nature.”
This exhibit will be at the Tubac Center of the Arts (9 Plaza Rd. Tubac, AZ 85646)
October 12 through November 11, 2012.
Artists opening reception is Friday, October 12 from 5 to 7 pm. All are welcome to attend.
By Martha Lochert
Posted: October 2nd, 2012
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