Archive for May, 2012

Still scanning film or prints?

Do you still have a significant slide, neg, or print collection that you occasionally need to pull images from and scan, or have you been putting off scanning that image collection because your scanner software doesn’t work well (or at all), or because you haven’t had an efficient workflow for scanning? If that’s the case, check out Mark D Segal’s new E-Book on Scanning Workflows with SilverFast 8, SilverFast HDR, Photoshop and Lightroom.

Scanning Workflows with SilverFast 8, SilverFast HDR, Photoshop and Lightroom by Mark D Segal

Some of you may remember meeting Mark here in Tucson at Marco Ugolini’s ASMP Tucson Color Management workshop a few years ago. Mark is an expert, seasoned researcher and practitioner of scanning techniques and workflows, and during the redevelopment of SilverFast 8, Mark assisted LaserSoft Imaging as one of its foremost external beta testers. At the same time, Mark identified the need for a comprehensive book describing how to use the new application in its own right, in the context of complementary external image editing applications such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom.

Given the cold, wet winters in Toronto ;-), Mark was able to devote significant time and resources into testing and developing real-world capable workflows. If this is a topic you’re interested in, you can find more information about this book on my blog, including links to a free download of the index and first 23 pages of this 380 page book, as well as a download link to purchase the (259 MB) download directly from LaserSoft Engineering.

You can also go right to LaserSoft for the downloads or to Mark’s website

Highly recommended.

By Rich Wagner | Posted: May 30th, 2012 | No comments

Pints ‘N Pixels Summer Mixer


Hello Tucson photographers – members and non-members! We’ll be having our bi-annual Pints ‘N Pixels social gathering on June 14th at Sky Bar on 4th Avenue. Please submit some images and join us for a beer or soft drink. You don’t have to be a member – we’re hoping you’ll mingle with us, then join our ranks!

By Martha Lochert | Posted: May 10th, 2012 | No comments